Je Nais Sais Quoi-Definition

 French for 'I don't know what': a pleasing quality that defies description. Imagine a podcast with that name based out of Paris delivering story after story in the most delightful way...

TRUE STORY: I once was playing the roulette wheel in a casino and decided, in the moment, to dazzle with my legendary wit. I announced to the croupier and 

everyone at the table, I would like to commence a Stendahl, you know, place a bet on The Red and the Black. Well, everyone looked at me like I was speaking French.

Nothing. Everyone was frozen, staring at me like an oil painting. Stendahl! I proclaimed again. Nothing... Geez! I mean, come on. Sure, it was Bob's Truck Stop & Repair & Casino/Diner outside of Des Moines on I-80, but come on...STENDAHL!